
Na stáž do nydrle až z druhého konce světa

Od června nám tu přes letní měsíce dělali společnost dva milí stážisté. Bernie je na svůj věk výjimečně zcestovalá dívka z diplomatické rodiny původem ze Singapuru. Austin je mladík z Louisiany vzhledu Froda Pytlíka, který vůbec poprvé překročil hranice Ameriky.

Bernie & Austin

Bylo skvělé je tu mít nejen proto, že se ihned zapojili do práce v social a PR oddělení a že nám pomohli nahlédnout na celou Kindred Group zase trochu novou optikou, ale také proto, že jejich přítomnost rozčeřila jinak poměrně monokulturní vody celé skupiny.

Udělali na nás dojem a ukázalo se, že nejspíš i my na ně. Poslali nám totiž takhle pěkné ohlédnutí za svojí stáží.

Internship with Kindred Group
Bernie Soh

During the past three months I’ve spent in Prague, I had the amazing opportunity to intern for the Kindred Group - a group of creative agencies. As an intern from Singapore, I thought it was interesting to see the different work ethics that people have in the Czech Republic have in comparison to my home country. The first time I’ve ever walked in to the company’s doors, I remember being mesmerized about the carefree environment that the company has and how every single person I’ve met was friendly and approachable. Unlike the other companies I’ve interned for in the past, the employees at the Kindred Group were loving and friendly to one another and definitely lived up to the words of “Work hard, Play hard.” They all knew how to have fun yet still be diligent in their work. The employees at the Kindred group also understood the importance of loving and enjoying what you do in other to provide good results in their work. They also treat their co-workers like family and organize monthly parties such as a bbq or drinking beers at the beer garden - which Austin and I attended after work picnic during our second week at Kindred group.

Furthermore, during my time as an intern I have become well versed in advertisement, marketing, and video editing. Before interning I was completely unfamiliar with most Photoshop and video editing programs such as Premier or Adobe, however when were assigned to do a video shoot project of the dogs in Kindred Group, I was able to gain many new techniques and skills of how to use a video camera and edit footages on the programs. In addition to that, I was involved with many brainstorming and creative thinking activities when I was assigned to plan the company’s Christmas e-card this year.

Though my time as an intern with Kindred Group was short, I’ll never forget the skills and knowledge I’ve gained from my experience here and all of the memorable people that I’ve met during my internship.


Working at nydrle
Austin Winder

Working at nydrle for the last two months has been an experience I will never forget. Not only has the work been beneficial to what I specifically want to do with my future career, I got to work in an environment that was different than what I was used to (coming from America) and I will admit, I was very nervous at first. However, Kristina, Lenka and so many others in nydrle made the transition very easy, and within a week or two I felt comfortable working with everyone. We were able to ask questions, learn, and get great advice that I believe will benefit me a great deal down the road.

Something that stood out to me about this internship is that while I learned a lot and had basic guidelines to follow when it came to making videos, I got to experience the freedom of thinking on my own and being creative. This was something that I was not used to and at first I was afraid of thinking “outside of the box” too much and screwing something up. I came from a job where that kind of thinking was discouraged and I learned to work “by the script” of the company, not changing or doing anything differently. To be able to think creatively at nydrle has shown me the importance of thinking in a different, non-traditional way, especially when it comes to a creative project. I want to sincerely thank Kristina for showing us that and giving us that push.

Working in a different culture, where not everyone speaks your language, and you certainly do not speak theirs, can be either rewarding or confusing and difficult. Your co-workers help decide which one your internship will be. For me, this has been nothing but rewarding and eye-opening, thanks to some of the employees that reached out and befriended us and gave us some great advice on our project and even on activities to do while in Prague. Walking into a new company for the first time can be intimidating anywhere, but they made us feel like part of the family in no time.

A great company does not exist by chance. It is the people that make it great, and even though I have only been here for two months, I have seen just how great leadership, hard work, and creative thinking can take a company anywhere. I want to think the CEO, Mr. Michal Nydrle, for spending time with us and checking in to make sure we were benefiting and enjoying our time. I would like to thank Kristina for working with us and giving us guidelines and ideas that required us to think on our own and outside the box. If there was one thing I could change, I would stay longer! One summer is not enough to learn everything, but I feel like I have a better idea of what I want to do with my life and where I might be heading after college. This has been the best work experience of my life, and I owe it to the great people of nydrle.

Thank you all and very best of luck in all your future projects!

Sincerely, Austin Winder

Kindred Group je internship friendly, takže i když jsme se Bernie a Austinem už rozloučili, nastoupil k nám na stáž středoškolák David. Jestli máš o zkoušku práce v reklamce zájem, určitě se neboj nás oslovit, protože zkušenost ti dá nejvíc a my to víme nejlíp, mnoho z nás totiž v oboru začínalo úplně stejně.