
Do you think you could be our new Digital Art Director?

Breathe in, breathe out.  Read. 

We are looking for a Digital Art Director. We are not looking for a Senior Designer or a Wanna-be Art Director. You must be ready - a true digital director, who can lead, who knows his/her stuff and knows all whys, whens and hows. This means having at least 4 years experience as a SuperSenior Digital Designer, who only never called him/herself a director or having minimum one year as a Digital Director as a proof you can do it and you love it.

Expect a tough job. You will be responsible for your team, the concepts, the details, presentation of the work and also all the people and their future thinking, their ability to see forthcoming trends as clearly as you. Strong visual ideation is necessary as much as excelling in precise usability and user experience of mobile and desktop platforms and ability to unmistakably grasp the message and forward it to the audience. 

Now think. Stop thinking, decide. Do you see yourself there? 
Can you see yourself working on big international brands from the financial sector or electronics? If this is your destiny, your dream, your career challenge, let us know more about you and send us your portfolio and introduction letter to jobs@nydrle.net. 

We are waiting.

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